ZTC & LTC Classes

The college strives to ensure that the ZTC and LTC designations are accurate; however, under some circumstances, faculty may have to adjust selection of instructional materials and this can affect course material costs. It may also be necessary to change instructors. Replacement faculty have academic freedom to choose instructional materials regardless of costs and are not obligated to use free course materials selected by an instructor previously assigned to the class.

Media & Information Literacy (Honors)

This honors course gives students the opportunity to explore the complex digital media and information landscape, and it teaches students critical research skills necessary for scholarly inquiry. Students explore the psychological, social, and physiological impact of online media engagement, while developing essential information literacy skills that are relevant to current academic endeavors and to their future as informed citizens and lifelong learners. Students employ multiple online platforms and advanced search strategies to navigate, assess, and communicate information from diverse sources and formats. The course emphasizes critically evaluating and analyzing appropriate sources as well as responsible and ethical uses of information. UC CREDIT LIMITATION: Credit for LIBR 201 or LIBR 201H.

Subject: LIBR
Course Number: 201H
Section Number: 3179
Units: 3
Instructor: McFall, Lauren

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